Research Consultancy

Drawing on a mix of research, evaluation and coaching skills I provide consultancy support to small/medium sized charities, social enterprises and purposeful businesses focusing on:

  • Helping them to develop their research and evaluation capabilities
  • Providing input on design and development of research/evaluation materials
  • Providing advice, guidance and/or ‘critical friend’ input on design, implementation and reporting of projects
  • Survey/questionnaire design
  • Survey data analysis/reporting
  • Providing coach-mentoring support

I also work with a network of research professionals designing and delivering research and evaluation projects.

Experience and credentials

Beginning my career in hospitality management roles, my passion for customer service and insights quickly led to a long and varied career in the corporate market research world.

Engaging with people from the boardroom to the ‘coal face’, and operations to HR, gave me a deep understanding of the commercial, third and public sectors.

As a Commercial Director at GfK (now part of Ipsos MORI) I adopted a coaching management style and completed a MA in Coaching and Mentoring Practice. Working with my own coach, I focused on my motivation to work in a more values-based way.

Joining ROBIN (Responsible Oxfordshire Business Involvement Network) was a turning point. It enabled me to meet like-minded individuals, from all sectors, who were putting people before profit and striving for positive change. As a result I began to use my research, evaluation and coaching skills to help individuals and organisations access evidence-based insights to understand and demonstrate their impact and inform positive change.

I founded Research Oxford, a purpose-led business, in 2011, selling it on 10 years later. Now, as a freelance consultant and coach, I remain passionate about ethics and integrity and am a member of the Social Research Association which promotes excellence in social research.

If you would like to arrange a chat to explore how Coaching Oxford can help you please call Louise on 0778 6925 969 or send a message using the contact form.

coaching oxford research consultancy